Saved Searches/Views

With the “Saved Searches” feature, you can save searches or views (selection of columns) you use frequently to save time having to re-enter them. This also enables you to view only those columns that are relevant to your active task.

This feature is available on the customer, order, invoice, credit memo, and notes tab.

To save a search, first make sure the current search is cleared by clicking “clear search.” Next use customize this view to select the columns you wish to show/hide. More on customize this view here. In the example below, I’m creating a custom view (choosing specific columns) for my market calls, so I’ve chosen to only see customer name, contact, phone number, last cancel date, mfr, and market call notes.

saved searches1



If you’d like to enter a specific search to save, or save a specific segment of your customers, enter the search (i.e. everyone in a certain territory, everyone who has purchased in the last year, etc.)

Clicked “Saved Searches,” then “add current search,” then enter a name for this view/search you will remember, such as “mkt calls.”

saved searches2



To load a saved search, open the “Saved Searches” drop down menu and click on the saved search label you are looking for. The page will reload with the saved column view and the search criteria originally entered.
Best Practice:
For every task you do repeatedly, have a saved search for it, whether it’s market calls, checking distribution, or sending emails. You could also have a “simple” view for quick viewing essential information and a “full/standard” view to see everything.


Sorting Customers, Orders, Invoices, Etc.

Most views (pages) in Showroom Exchange (customer, order, invoice, and notes tab, etc.) allow you to sort your entries by multiple columns. For example, you can sort your customers alphabetically by their name.

To figure out how a page is currently sorted, look at the titles of the column headers. If there is a number with a green arrow above or below it, that means that your data is being sorted by that column (see example below) in ascending or descending order.

If the arrow is pointing up, that means that the column is being sorted alphabetically, beginning at the top and going down (A > Z). If the arrow is pointing down, the reciprocal is true (Z > A), descending order.




To clear or reset the current sorting criteria, click on the icon of the two red arrows pointing at each other.




After clicking this icon, you can reassign the sorting criteria by clicking on the column header title you’d like to sort by. For example, if you want to sort by state, click on “State” column header. If you’d like to sort by this column in the opposite direction, click on the title again to reverse the order. Click once more to remove sorting on the respective column.




If you want to consider a second sorting criteria, click on the title of the second column you’d like to sort by. For example, if you’d like to sort by state and within each state, you’d like to sort by customer name, first click on “State,” then click on “Customer.” Note the label 1 & 2 signifying the order of the sort.





Related: Want to skip the wait time when sorting multiple columns?



Invoice Import Add-On

Showroom Exchange offers an optional feature that allows you to bulk-import invoices (your commission statements).
Ask your brands/mfrs to send your commission/shipment reports in an Excel sheets that includes the expected information, such as mfr po #, invoice #, amount shipped, date paid, etc.,
You can import this information all at once, eliminating data-entry.

Once the optional feature is activated, you can access it from the reports tab and by clicking “import/export options” to bulk import invoices.


invoice import




The next page is where you can both download a sample invoice import excel template file and submit the invoice import files for processing. To download the template file, click on the link “SR_Invoices” at the bottom of the page. To import a completed file or a .zip of completed Excel files, click browse, select the file, then click “submit” at the bottom of the page.

NOTE the section titled “Important:”, it contains important requirements necessary to properly import invoices.


invoice import2




Showroom Exchange will then process the invoices on the provided excel sheet.

1) The following page shows you how many records will AND won’t be imported (due to errors or missing info).
2) To see why records might not have been imported, click on the TXT or CSV links to download error logs.
3) Click proceed to save the successfully imported invoices

invoice import3



Invoice Date vs. Paid Date

Invoices in Showroom Exchange represent the shipment of the merchandise by your mfrs/brands to your customers.

Entering invoices into Showroom Exchange allows you to keep track of the following:
1) Open Orders (which orders have or have not shipped)
2) Paid and Unpaid Commissions (some mfrs/brands report their shipments to the showroom 1st and pay later)
3) Mfr/brand’s % ship through rate (how WELL your mfrs/brands are performing). More on this in Measure Brand Performance with Ship-Through Percentages.

When entering an invoice, first reference its corresponding PO, give it an invoice number, then provide an invoice date (invdate: the date it shipped). You then have the option of giving it a paid date (pdate). Consider pdate as the date the showroom got paid.

The difference:

  • The invoice date (invdate) is the date the order was shipped. It is required to save an invoice in SE. This aspect of the invoice (along with the amount) tracks how completely an order has shipped.
  • The paid date (pdate) is the date the brand paid you commission on the shipped order. We recommend the date on the check or wire-transfer. If the mfr/brand will pay you later, then leave the pdate blank. An entry in the pdate suggests the invoice is paid, and the invoice is marked as “paid.” An invoice without a pdate will be marked as “unpaid.” See Commissions Report to see how to run reports on paid and unpaid commissions.


invdate v pdate