Tradeshows, pre/post COVID

The wholesale landscape has been evolving for some time, and COVID has become the new variable!

The goal with these 3 surveys is to understand the current climate from all 3 perspectives (showrooms/reps, the brands and the retailers) and to find ways of helping the reps in an already struggling industry.
Using the resulting summary for the brand & retailer’s informal surveys (see BRANDS and RETAILERS links below), we will share our insight in this post in upcoming weeks.

All responses are collected anonymously. Name or email will not be required. The survey forms are hosted by Google and are subject to its Policy & Terms.

There are 3 different surveys, for…
1. Reps (from Showroom Exchange to you)
2. Brands (for you to ask your Brands)
3. Retailers (for you to ask your Retailers)

Your participation is greatly appreciated.


Survey for (Showrooms/Reps)




Use the URL/weblinks in your own e-blast to your Brands and Retailers.

Ask your BRANDS

For your convenience, you may use the copy-and-paste template below. Feel free to edit before sending.



For your convenience, you may use the copy-and-paste template below. Feel free to edit before sending.


Hi “Brand Contact Name”,

Given the impact of the pandemic on our industry, the goal of the following survey is to understand expectations in the current climate and look for solutions to improve the process for you, the retailers and reps. All responses are collected anonymously, so names or email will not be required.

Please do not feel obligated to complete this survey, and either way, thank you for all your support.


Hi “Retail Buyer Contact Name”,

Given the impact of the pandemic on our industry, the goal of the following survey is to understand expectations in the current climate and look for solutions to improve the process for you, the brands and reps. All responses are collected anonymously, so names or email will not be required.

Please do not feel obligated to complete this survey, and disregard if you have already responded. Thank you for all your support.

If you prefer the smaller font…

consider using your web-browsers Zoom function to zoom-out.



Based on your Task, you can always create different column sets using CUSTOMIZE THIS VIEW and switch between them with SAVED SEARCHES

NOTE: if you do not see your web-browser listed, simply Google the name of your web-browser followed with “zoom out”, e.g.; “safari zoom out”

Copy (from Excel) & Paste (in SE)

your brand sends you a list of POs and you’d like to look them up in SE

this solution is not limited to the MfrPOs and can also be used with the following pages/columns:

Customer Tab
– customer
– customercode
Order Tab
– mfrpo
– customer
– customercode
Invoice Tab
– mfrpo
– customercode
– invnum

SE will automatically insert the vertical bars – more on search symbols
for mac/OS X, use CMD key instead of Ctrl

Bulk Updating of Market Call (Phone) icons

Bulk update your Market Call (Phone) icons…
– complete the following form to authorize a specific userId/rep from your team
once enabled you can filter by a specific Market Call (phone) icon 1st and next use the “time-bomb” icon to select and assign the new color – see attached/embedded screenshot below

Complete the following form…

[jotform id=”80850721838158″]

BULK Update Order Reps and Commissions

bulk update your Rep and Commission assignments for Orders.

once the bulk update is executed, it cannot be undone.

to authorize a member of your team to access the BULK update feature, please email with the subject line “Authorize {userId or team-member-name} for Order Reps and Commissions BULK Update”

the feature is accessed (from the order tab) as an icon next to the rep column that is filtered.

it functions in 2 modes:

“Override all rep/comm fields with the following selection”
this will update all orders in your current search criteria based on the assigned values and regardless of their existing values..

“Override the comm value for the Selected rep column”
this will ONLY update the comm value for all orders in your current search criteria based on the rep column selection.  e.g.; from the following below screenshot, if rep1 is selected, then 2% will be assigned to all comm1 field for the current filtered/displayed orders.

to finalize the bulk update, you must 1st click the “export current list” button, which will download a (pre-bulk-update) backup copy for future reference.  once the file has downloaded and you have reviewed it, click the Proceed button to process the bulk update.

a new checkbox, a new function – use the customer tab search result for reports

the new “use the customer selection from customer tab/view” checkbox that has been added to reports that have customer selection allows you to run reports using the current customer selection.

here is the process…
– visit the customer tab/view
– apply any filter(s), e.g.; by state, territory etc.
– go to the reports tab
– select a customer based reports, i.e.; reports that have a customer selection drop-down
– click to select the new “use the customer selection from customer tab/view” checkbox

the report will be generated using the customer selection from the customer tab/view